Laredo Lodge No. 547 Committees 2021-2022

Standing Committees  


Audit Committees 

Chair- Kenny Schmies 

Co-Chair- Chris Turner 

Co-Chair- Joshua Alcocer 


Building and Ground Maintenance 

Chair- Agustin Meza 

Co-Chair- Guillermo Salinas 

Co-Chair- Andres Rodriguez 

Co-Chair- Greg Moore 


Arbitration, Fraternal Assistance, Sickness and Distress 

Chair- Enrique Ceballos 

Co-Chair Jose Rios 

Members – Ruben Bazan, Aguistin Meza, Joe Sosa, Charles Whitfield, Joe Treviño 


Funeral Committee 

Chair- Joe Treviño 

Co-Chair- Agustin Meza 

Members- Enrique Ceballos, Jose Rios, Ruben Bazan, Greg Moore, Eduardo Cruz 


Communication Committee 

Chair- Charles Whitfield 

Secretary Joe Sosa 

Members- Ruben Bazan, Jose Rios, Chris Turner 


Investment and Financial Planning 

Chair- Charles Whitfield 

Co-Chair- Joe Sosa 

Members- Chris Turner, Ruben Bazan 


Communication Committee 

Chair- Joe Sosa 

Co-Chair- Ruben Bazan 

CO-Chair Anthony Cabello 


Masonic Education 

Chair- Ruben Bazan 

Co-Chair- Chris Tuner 

Members- Charles Whitfield, Greg Moore 

Special Committees 


By-Laws, Rules, and Regulations 

Chair- Chris Turner 

Members- Joe Sosa, Charles Whitfield, Anthony Cabello 


Certification for advancement 

Chair- Larry Lowe 

Co-Chair- Charles Whitfield 

Members- Anthony Cabello, Mike Harper 



Chair- Agustin Meza 

Members- Eduardo Cruz, Joe Treviño, Eduardo Esquivel, Anthony Cabello. 


Fundraising Committee 

Chair- Charles Whitfield 

Co-Chair- Guillermo Salinas 

Members- Andres Rodriguez, Greg Moore 


Social Activities 

Chair- Guillermo Salinas 

Co-Chair- Andres Rodriguez 

Members- Ruben Bazan, Jose Rios. 


Yearly Transition Committee 

Chair- Enrique Ceballos 

Co-Chair- Jose Rios 

Members- Agustin Meza, Jose Sosa, Charles Whitfield. 


Cemetery Committee 

Chair- Joe Sosa 

Co-Chair- Charles Whitfield 

Members- Enrique Ceballos, Joe Treviño 


Golden Trowel Award 

Chair- Eduardo Cruz 

Co-Chair- Eduardo Esquivel 

Co-Chair Anthony Cabello